Having a job makes people active players in the job market as well as enabling them to participate in society. Especially people with health issues are facing big challenges to get jobs. Therefore, I am proud to look back to many years of successful cooperation with various offices and institutions, including the SVA Zurich (social insurance institution), the IV (disability insurance) offices of Schaffhausen and Schwyz, various social welfare offices, institutions for occupational integration, psychiatric ambulatories and universities.

Being a job coach, I offer support and assistance in career reorientation before, during and after occupational training.

The components of supported employment are:

  • Discussion to clarify entitlement to social insurance support and assessment interviews
  • Coaching related to objectives and issues (dealing with difficulties at school, in training or in the job)
  • Counselling and networking with authorities (employer, training company, parents)
  • Specialist counselling and recommended actions for employers and teams in dealing with psychological illnesses
  • Support with the job application procedure (application dossier, interviews, etc.)
  • Support with the (apprenticeship) job search and development of suitable application strategies

Disability Insurance (IV)

If you have an order from a doctor the disability insurance will cover a part of the costs for psychotherapy for children and young adults up to the age of 20 years.

A funding application for job coaching, learning coaching or supported education can be submitted to the disability insurance offices. It can be submitted as an occupational integration activity or as an early intervention activity for occupational integration. This will require a registration for occupational integration with the disability insurance.

Social authorities and employers (IV)

Social authorities and employers (IV)

Social authorities or training companies may contribute to the costs for children and young adults up to the age of 20 years.

Private Funding

Please contact me. I am happy to explain the fees structure to you.